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safeguard clause保护条款

safe operation 安全作业 s

afe practice安全规章

safety audits安全检查

safety awareness安全意识

safety cap安全帽

safety code安全规程

safety detonator安全雷管

safety education安全教育

safety equipment安全设施

safety footwear劳保鞋

safety harness安全带

safety in production安全生产

safety measure(practice)安全措施         

safety meeting安全会

safety notice(precaution)安全注意事项

safety operation area安全工作区

safety personnel安全员

safety training安全培训

sand bailer捞砂筒

sand control application防砂作业

sand control liner(screen)防砂筛管

sand control result防砂效果

sand face(sandface)井底

sand up,sand fill,sand plug砂堵

sand problem well completion出砂井完井

sand production(油井)出砂

sand well出砂油井 stand by等待费

saturation 饱和度

scalloped steel carrier带有凹坑的钢制射孔枪枪身

schedule of payment付款清单

schedule of prices价格清单

schedule of quantities数量清单

schematic diagram(drawing,figure)原理图,示意图

scope of project项目范围

scope of work工作范围

screen pipe筛管

screen sub筛管短节

screw bolt螺栓

screw cap螺帽

screw thread丝扣

service contract服务合同

search head探测头

secondary depletion(exploitation)二次采油

secondary flood注水二次开采

secondary units二级单位

secrecy and confidentiality clause保密条款


sedimentary basin沉积盆地

sedimentary rock沉积岩

segregation test分层测试,检验层间窜流测试

seismic section地震剖面

segregated completion分层完井

self aging自然老化


self potential自然电位

self-checking equipment自检设备


separated-layer stimulation分层增产作业

separated layer water-flooding分层注水

separated-layer fracturing分层压裂

separated zone water plugging分层堵水

separated zone production分层开采             

sequence of events作业顺序,施工记录

service charge(fee)服务费

service agreement服务协议

service centre维修基地

service contract服务合同

service equipment(facility)服务设施


service machine(rig)修井机

service market劳务市场

service table服务项目表

set down 下放

set packer封隔器坐封

set position坐封位置

settlement of loss损失处理

settlement price结算价格

settlement term支付条款

severance pay遣散费

SFT(sample formation tester)取样地层测试器

SGR(spectral natural gamma ray log)自然伽马能谱测井

slim hole小井眼


shale content泥质含量

shallow well浅井

shallow layer浅层,薄层

shaped charge聚能射孔弹

shaped charge perforator聚能射孔器

shaped-charge shooting聚能射孔

shearing pressure剪切压力

shear pin剪切销钉

shift change 倒班


shipping data装船日期

shipping list发货清单

shipping tag货运标签

shock absorber(damper,reducer)减震器

shock sub震击器

shock attenuation device减震装置

shoot-and-test TCP(tubing conveyed perforation)油管传输射孔和测射联作



shooting density射孔密度,孔密

shop order工作单,派工单

short casing joint套管短节

short notice临时通知

short-time forecasting短期预测

shot density射孔密度

shot depth射孔深度

shot-depth correction射孔深度校正


shot gun射孔枪

shot phasing射孔相位分布

shut-down inspection停工检查

shut down time  停工时间                    

shut-in well停产井,关闭井


sample interval采样间隔

side entry sub旁通接头

sidetrack drilling侧钻

sidetracked hole侧钻井 sidetrack(ing)侧钻,套管开窗

side-tracking bit侧钻钻头 side tracking point侧钻点

side-tub旁通管 sidewall contact device推靠器

SWC(sidewall coring(sampling))井壁取心

sidewall acoustic log井壁声波测井             sinker bar加重杆

sidewall neutron log井壁中子测井 signal amplification信号放大

signal attenuation信号衰减 signal distortion信号失真

signalling信号传输 signal man现场指挥


significant depth有效深度

single conductor cable(line),single core cable单芯电缆

single-interval test单层测试

single joint单根

sinker bar加重杆                          

site acceptance现场验收

site emergency plan现场应急计划

site of work工地

site work现场作业

size of the hole井眼尺寸

skin damage井壁污染


slant section of hole井眼的斜井段

slickline service钢丝测试服务

slick line operation钢丝作业

slick line unit钢丝绞车

sliding ring滑环

slimhole completion小井眼完井

slim-hole core barrel小井眼取心筒

slim hole drilling小井眼钻井

slimhole tool小井眼下井仪


slipper-actuated firing equipment活塞撞击激发点火装置

slip-type packer卡瓦封隔器

slit-side solid sampler井壁取样器

special list of equipment设备清单

slope angle倾角

sluffing,slump in井壁坍塌


slush pit泥浆池

snubbing in强行下入(钻杆或油管等)

snubbing out强行起出(钻杆或油管等)    

snubbing service强行起下钻作业,不压井修井作业

state of the art目前工艺水平


standard operating procedure标准施工步骤     

suspension of production暂停生产

speed of rotation转速                         

sound out artificial bottom hole探人工井底

spare part 备件                              

spare production capacity闲置生产能力

spud开钻 special clause特殊条款

specified criterion技术规范

specific items具体项目

specialist equipment特种设备


sonic porosity声波孔隙度


spinner flow meter,spinner-type flowmeter转子流量计

SP(spontaneous potential)自然电位

spooler,spooler device盘绳器

spot check抽样检查


surface pressure read-out地面压力直读装置

surface pressure read-out wireline地面直读试井绞车

spud data 开钻日期

spud in开钻


squeeze cement job挤水泥作业

squeeze cementing挤水泥

slip ring滑环

source rock生油岩

supplementary requirement补充要求

supplementary regulations补充规定             

sieve residue log岩屑录井

surface read out system地面直读装置           

string shot解卡爆震

sample taker井壁取心工具



stabilized voltage supply稳压电源

stack tool组合下井仪                        

stage acidizing分级酸化

stage cementing分级注水泥

stage gas lift多级气举

starll(combination of borehole resistivity tool/acoustic imaging tool)微电阻率扫描(电成象)

standard clause标准条款                      

standard contract form标准合同

stand-by equipment备用设备

stand-by loss停工损失

standby rate待命费

stand-by time等候时间

stand of drill pipe钻杆立根

stand off扶正器

statement of dishonour拒付声明

statement of planned tasks计划任务书

statement报表 starter调度员

static analysis静态分析

static electricity静电

static reservoir pressure油气层静止压力

static test静态测试

steam paraffin vehicle蒸汽清蜡车

steel band tape钢卷尺

steel brush钢丝刷 steel cable钢丝绳

sticking,sticking of tool卡钻,钻具卡住

sticking point卡点

stimulated completion增产措施完井

stimulation treatment增产措施


storage charge 存储费

storage cost保管费


straddle DST跨隔地层测试

straddle test in casing套管井跨隔测试

straight cross四通

straight hole(well)直井


strata profile地层剖面

stratification sampling分层取样 

stratification testing 分测试

stratified waterflooding 分层注水               

stratigraphic analysis地层分析

stratigraphic dip地层倾角

stratigraphic trap地层圈闭

SHDT(stratigraphic high resolution dipmeter tool)高分辨率地层倾角测井仪

stratigraphic unconformity hydrocarbon reservoir地层不整合油气藏

stream time连续工作时间

stream-to- stream time停工检修时间

strict performance of contract严格遵守合同条款

string elongation管柱伸长

stringing grip绳卡

string of casing 套管柱

string of tubing油管柱

string shot backoff爆炸松扣

stripper field低产油田

stripper well低产井


structural hydrocarbon reservoir构造油气藏

surface test tree试油井口


stuck fish(井中)被卡的落物


stuck-point indicator tool卡点指示仪

stuffing box防喷盒,盘根盒

submission of tender投标

submission to arbitration提请仲裁

subsidiary company(corporation)子公司

subsidiary condition附加条件


substructure 井架底座                  

subsurface equipment(tool)井下仪器,井下工具

subsurface information井下资料

subtle reservoir(pool)隐蔽油气藏

successful bid 中标                          

successful bidder中标者

success ratio成功率

sucker pole(rod)抽油杆

sump hole井底口袋

superdeep well超深井

superficial tension表面张力



supplementary contract补充合同

supplementary instrument辅助仪器,备用仪器

supplementary provisions补充规定

supplementary unit辅助单位

supply base供应基地

supply contract供应合同

supply order供货定单

support base后勤基地

support equipment辅助设备,备用设备

support services后勤服务

surface casing(pipe,string)表层套管

surface casing pressure井口套压

surface equipment地面设备

surface facility地面设施

surface layer表层

surface pressure井口压力

surface tension表面张力

surface-tubing pressure油压

surface testing equipment(unit)地面测试设备

surface test package地面试油设备

surface well control equipment地面井控设备

survey instrument测量仪器

suspense payment暂付款

suspension of operation暂停作业

suspension of work停工

SWC(sidewall coring tool)井壁取心器

swabbing well抽汲井

swept layer水淹层

swing-jet gun悬挂式聚能射孔器



system failure 系统故障

system chart系统流程图

system of job responsibility岗位责任制

system simulation系统模拟


tank body truck油罐车


target depth 目的层深度

target stratum目的层

task contract任务合同

task management作业管理

task time工时定额

tubing-casing pressure difference油套压差

thru-tubing bridge plug过油管桥塞

test pit of depth深度刻度井

TCP(tubing conveyed perforating)油管传输射孔

TCP gun油管传输射孔枪

TCP gun HSD油管传输高密度射孔枪

TCP package油管传输射孔系统

technical casing技术套管

technical consulting service技术咨询服务

technical description技术指标,技术说明

technical feasibility技术可行性

technical manual技术规范,技术手册

technical service技术服务

technical staff技术干部,技术人员

technical title技术职称

technological transformation技术改造

technology import(introduction)技术引进

technology transfer技术转让

telemetered signal遥测信号


temperature log井温测井

tender 投标


tender for投标

tender price投标价格

tender specification标书规范


tentative method暂行办法

tentative standard暂行标准

termination of contract合同终止

tester valve测试阀

test facility测试设备 test foreman测试队长(班长)

testing crew测试队,试油队 testing for oil试油

testing job测试作业 testing of well测试

testing personnel测试人员 testing string leaking测试管柱泄漏

testing string running and pulling起下测试管柱

testing technique测试工艺 testing tool(instrument)测试工具(仪器)

testing well测试井

testing string components测试管串结构

testing string diagram测试管柱结构一览表 

test supervisor试油监督,测试监督

test target测试层段,射孔、试油层段  


thick threads粗丝扣                 

thin bed薄层

third party第三方 thread off脱扣

thread slipping滑扣

three-core cable,three-conductor cable三芯电缆

through tubing completion过油管完井          

through tubing job过油管作业

through tubing gun过油管射孔枪

through tubing perforating(perforation)过油管射孔

through tubing technique过油管技术

through tubing well servicing operation过油管修井作业

tie in(电缆)打结

tight rock低渗透岩石,致密岩石

time delay hydraulic firing head延时液压点火头

transnational corporation 跨国公司  

tag on cement探水泥塞面


tool out of hole起出井下工具

tool housing仪器外壳


tool outfit全套工具

tool string下井仪器串

temporarily out of service暂停服务

tour of inspection巡回检查

tour sheet值班日志

tracer flow survey示踪剂流量测井

traced perforating coring unit跟踪射孔取心仪

tractor hoist通井机


trap 圈闭

trap assessment圈闭评价

trap structure圈闭构造                      

tripping operation起下钻作业,起下管柱作业

truck tank油罐车

tubing-casing annulus油套环空

tubing catch,

tubing fishing operation油管打捞作业

tubing elevator油管吊卡

tubing gauge油压表

tubing hanger萝卜头

tubing hook油管大钩

tubing leak油管泄漏

tubing length variation油管伸长或缩短

tubing power tongs油管液压钳

tubing pressurization油管打压,油管内加压

tubing pup joint油管短节

tubing record油管记录

tubing with external upset ends外加厚油管

tubing with internal upset ends内加厚油管

tubing with plan ends平式油管

turbine flowmeter涡轮流量计

turnkey company承包公司

turnkey contract总承包合同

twenty-four hours basis 24小时值班

two-drum hoist(winch)双滚筒绞车

type-curve graph解释图版