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中海林   |   2022-12-08   |   浏览:2781



native pressure原始地层压力

natural completion 正常完井

natural decline(depletion)自然递减

natural gamma ray log自然伽马测井

NGS(natural gamma ray spectrometry log) 自然伽马能谱测井

natural potential自然电位 natural production decline 产量自然递减

neutron –gamma spectrum logging 中子伽马能谱测井

NLL(neutron-lifetime logging)中子寿命测井

neutron tub中子管

NML(nuclear magnetism log)核磁测井 

NMRI(nuclear magnetic resonance imaging)核磁共振成象

nuclear magnetic resonance log核磁共振测井

numerical control数控

no cost item无价值项目

non-conventional well非常规井

nipple-down tree拆卸井口装置

near-surface layer表层

negative pressure perforation负压射孔

near gauge hole井径规则的井

near wellbore formation damage近井地层损害

negotiated bidding协商招标

negotiated price协商价格

negotiation of contract terms合同条款的协商

net cost成本价

net porosity有效孔隙度

night operation 夜间作业

night shift夜班


nitrogen cushion氮气垫

nitrogen displacement替氮

nitrogen service液氮作业

notice of change更改通知单

no-go guide扶正套

nominal power额定功率

nominal voltage额定电压

non-commercial pool无开采价值的油藏


non-damaging drilling无损害钻井

non-essential stipulation非主要条款

non-fractured reservoir非裂缝性油藏

nonoperator party非作业方

non-paraffinous oil不含蜡石油

nonpay zone非产油层

non-perforated interval非射孔井段

nonproducing reserves未动用储量      

nonproductive petroleum reservoir无开采价值的油藏

non-recurring repair临时修理


nonreusable gun一次性射孔枪

non-routine procedure非常规方法

non-routine sampling非常规取样

nonupset tubing平式油管

normal inspection正常检查

normal maintenance日常维修

normal production test常规生产测试            

none run未下井,未测

near surface completion表层测井

normal shutdown正常停产

no show oil and gas无油气显示

nipple up tree安装采油树

nipple up wellhead安装井口



occupational injury工伤

oil base mud油基泥浆

objective interval目的层段

overall development program总体开发方案

off-angle drilling钻斜井


office operation室内作业

official copy正本

off-job accident岗位外事故

offset data 邻井资料                         

offset information对比资料

offsetting injector(与生产井)对应的注水井

offsetting well补偿井,邻井

offshore activities(operation)海上作业

offshore boring 近海钻探

offshore completion海上完井

offshore drilling海上钻井

offshore drilling platform海上钻井平台

offset log补测的测井曲线

offshore shelf近海大陆架

offshore oil exploration海上石油勘探

offsite surveillance现场外监督

off-take rate开采速度

off-take well 生产井


oil and gas bearing basin含油盆地

oil-gas contact油气界面

OH&S(Occupational Health and Safety)职业健康与安全

operation instructions操作说明书

oil initially in place原始石油地质储量

oil gas accumulation油气聚集

oil-base drilling fluid油基钻井液

oil-bearing basin含油盆地

oil-bearing block含油区块

oil-bearing horizon(zone)含油层

oil-bearing reservoir储油层

oil-bearing sand含油砂岩

oil-bearing structure含油构造

oil column thickness含油层厚度

oil damper液压减震器

oil detection石油勘查

oil-displacement mechanism驱油机理

oilfield experience现场经验

oil field production capacity油田产能

oil-filled cable oil电缆绝缘油

oil finder石油勘探工作者

oil-gas-water three-phase separator油气水三相分离器

oil recovery technique采油工艺

oil reservoir engineering油藏工程

oil potential潜在储量

oil producing region采油区

oil property原油性质

oil productivity index采油指数

oil saturation含油饱和度

oil seepage油苗

oil shale油页岩

oil ship油轮

oil source rock生油岩

oil truck油罐车

oil viscosity油的粘度

oil well casing油井套管

oil well paraffin removal equipment油井清蜡设备

oil well performance data 油井动态资料

oil well pump抽油泵

oil well testing油井测试

offshore installation manager平台经理

old-well deeper drilling老井加深钻井

old well worked over老井大修

one trip run起下一次管柱作业

on-site calibration现场调试

on-site interpretation现场解释

on-site maintenance现场维修

on-site validation现场验收

on-stream maintenance不停工维修

on-the-job training在职培训

on-the-job accident操作事故

open bidding公开招标

open fire明火

open-flange flow cross法兰四通

open-front tower  A形井架

open hole bridge plug裸眼桥塞

open hole caliper井径仪

open hole completion裸眼完井

open hole DST,open hole test裸眼井地层测试

open hole fishing裸眼打捞

open hole formation(section)裸眼井段

opening of tender开标

open tender公开招标,公开投标

operating agreement作业协议

operating charges操作费用

operating company甲方,作业公司

operating cost作业费用

operating crew施工队,作业班

operating efficiency作业效率

operating failure操作失误

operating license操作许可证

operating personnel操作员

operating platform操作平台

operating program作业程序

operating repair小修

operating risk作业风险

operating tool string施工管柱

operating well测试井,作业井

operational base工作基地

operational contract作业合同

operation license营业执照

operation room操作室

operation study操作培训

operation through tubing过油管作业

operator party作业方

operator's license操作证

optimal field development program最佳油田开发方案

optimizing fracturing treatment design优化压裂设计

optimum completion design完井优化设计

optimum feasible program最佳可行方案

oral agreement口头协定                      

oral contract口头协议

organic rock有机岩

orientation spool定位短节

orientation well定向井

orientation well survey定向井测量

original drawing原图

original field recording现场原始记录

O ring O形圈,密封圈

oriented perforating定向射孔


over time加班


outer armour(电缆)外缆皮

out-of-round oversized hole大肚子井

out of order有故障

output well生产井

overall development plan(program)总体开发方案

overall injection-withdrawal ratio综合注采比


overbalanced perforation正压射孔


overhaul charge 修理费

overhead charge 管理费,杂项开支

overtime pay加班费


old well plugged back老井封堵

old well sidetracked老井侧钻

old well worked over老井大修