inspection & acceptance record验收记录
initial depth起始深度
idle cost停工损失
idle equipment(unit)闲置设备
instrument engineer仪修工程师
ignition voltage点火电压
induction electrical log,induction electrical survey,induction log感应测井
immediate vicinity of wellbore近井地带
invitation for bid招标
igneous rock火成岩
igniter system,ignition system点火系统,点火装置
impact damper减震器
imperfect earth接地不良
impermeable rock不渗透岩石
improvised installation临时设施
inclination drilling定向钻井
incorporated company股份有限公司
increment tax增值税
index bed标准层
index well基准井
indication of oil and gas油气显示
indirect cost间接损失
indirect flushing反循环洗井
individual-well producing rate单井产量
IGRS(induced gamma ray spectralog)感应伽马能谱测井
IL(induction log)感应测井
industrial accident生产事故
industrial reserves可采储量
infill drilling加密钻井
infiller,infill well加密井
infill wellsite加密井位
infinite-acting decline自然递减
inflatable packer膨胀式封隔器
in-hole fluid井内液体
initial fluid column cushion测试液垫
injection into an aquifer边外注水
injection into an oil zone边内注水
injection life注水期
injection-production pattern注采井网
injection-production strategy注采方案
injection profile,injectivity profile,input profile,intake profile吸水剖面
injection well注水井
in one trip一次下井
inside drill侧钻
installation charge安装费用
installation cost安装成本
installation phase施工阶段
instruction book说明书
instrument cab仪器车
instrument cable仪器电缆
insurance amount保险金额
insurance cheater安全带
insurance claim保险索赔
insurance clause保险条款
insurance expense保险费
insurance indemnity保险赔偿
integral joint casing无接箍套管
integrated development program of oil field油田开发总体规划
integrated exploration综合勘探
intended interval目的层段
intercalated bed目的层
interborehole measurement井间测量
interfacial tension表面张力
interference of wells井间干扰
interfering signal干扰信号
intermediate belt过度带
intermediate casing技术套管
intermediate layer夹层
intermediate head中间接头
international arbitration国际仲裁
international conventions国际惯例
interpretation method解释方法
interpretation software解释软件
interpretation workstation解释工作站
interspaced well加密井
interstitial-oil saturation残余油饱和度
interval of interest目的层段
interwell tracer test井间示踪剂测试
in triplicate一式三份
invaded zone(area)侵入带
invalid contract无效合同
inverse water injection反注,环空注入
invitation for bid招标
invitation for tender招标
invitation to bid招标
invoice of withdrawals领料单
initial oil in place原油地质储量
ipso jure termination of a contract依法终止合同
Irish touchstone玄武岩
index of performance性能指标
isolated test分层测试
isolation of individual zones分层,封层
issue voucher发货单
instruction to proceed操作规程
injection-withdrawal ratio注采比
jack rabbit通径规
jack well抽油井
jagged hole有毛刺(射孔)孔眼
junk catcher打捞爪
job description 作业说明
job document作业资料
jet charge 聚能射孔弹
jet flow射流
jet gun聚能射孔器
jet perforating聚能射孔
jet perforator 聚能射孔器
jet perforator penetration聚能射孔穿透深度
junk joint打捞接头
job design施工设计
job execution作业施工
job location(site)施工现场
job management作业管理
job note工作单
job order派工单
job planning作业规划
job preparation施工准备
job specifications施工规范,操作规程
job specific questionnaire作业特别要求
job title职称
joint bidding 联合投标
joint capital,joint investment合资
joint length单根长度
joint operation联合作业
joint venture 合资经营
junk basket打捞篮
keep out切勿入内
KB(kelly bushings)补心高度
key post关键岗位
key project关键项目
key sample标准样品
kick-killing,kill,kill well压井
kill fluid(mud)压井液
kill job(operation)压井作业
kind of DST(drillstem test)地层测试类型
kink 打结,扭结