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【Enlarge Vocabulary】 Get more petroleum vocabulary(G-H)
Zhong Hai Lin   |   2022-11-18   |   views:2195



Geiger counter盖革计数管                    

gas condensate凝析油,凝析气

gamma ray spectrum log 自然伽马能谱测井

gas condensate field 凝析气田

gas condensate reservoir凝析油储量

gas condensate well凝析气井

gaseous well气井

gas injection(input)well注气井

gas lift气举

gas lift equipment气举设备

gas lift installation气举装置

gas lift production气举采油

gas lift string气举管柱

gas lift well气举井

gas mask防毒面具

gas/oil horizon(interface,surface)油气界面

gas-oil separation油气分离

gas prospecting天然气勘探

gauge cock压力表

gauge reading仪表读数

gauge ring通井规,通径规

gauging nipple测量短节

gun azimuth射孔枪方位

ground equipment地面设备

general purpose常用的,通用的

general safety hazard一般事故

general sketch(drawing)示意图

geological base map井位图

geological exploration地质勘探

geological information地质资料

geologic anomaly地质异常

geologic condition地质条件

geologic description地质描述

geologic feature地质特征

geologic framework(structure)地质构造

geologic interpretation地质解释

geologic profile(section)地质剖面

geologic reserve地质储量

geologic trap地质圈闭

geophysical exploration地球物理勘探

geopressured well高压井


geophysical prospecting,geophysical survey地球物理勘探,物探

general field engineer现场总工程师

go in the hole下入井内

go dead(油气井)停止自喷

gun offset射孔枪偏位

go fishing 进行打捞

general operating specification一般操作规程

gun perforation射孔

gun perforator射孔枪

gradient survey梯度测量


gradient sonde梯度电极系


grand slam大满贯测井解释方法

gravity logging重力测井

graph plotter绘图仪  

graveyard shift夜班

grease gun黄油枪  

grease oil润滑油

gamma ray log自然伽马测井

gross record原始记录

gross thickness总厚度

ground protection接地保护

ground support aquipment地面辅助设备  

good show of oil and gas油气显示良好

guard electrode logging屏蔽电极测井,聚焦电阻率测井,侧向测井


gun carrier弹架,枪身

gun perforated casing 射孔套管

gun perforated completion射孔完井

gun positioning射孔器定位

gun stand-off枪身扶正

gun system射孔设备

gusher well自喷井,失控井



Halliburton turbine(flow)meter哈里伯顿涡轮流量计

hard-boiled hat,hard hat,hardhat helmet安全帽

hard disk硬盘

handling sub提升短节

hazard identification危险标志

hazardous area(location)危险区域

hazardous operation有害作业

hazardous situation report事故报告

hazardous substance有害物质


horizontal displacement水平位移



head space间距,安全距离

head well puller修井队长  


heavy crude oil,heavy oil重油,稠油

heavy oil recovery稠油开采

heavy weight tubing加厚油管

heavy weight drilling pipe加厚钻杆

HEGF(high energy gas fracturing)高能气体压裂

helical shot pattern螺旋布孔格式



hermetic seal,hermetization密封



high definition,high resolution高分辨率

high density pattern perforation高孔密射孔

high-inclination well,high-deviated well,high angle deviated hole大斜度井

high pressure gas well高压气井

high productivity well,high rate producing well高产井

HDT(high-resolution dipmeter tool)高分辨率地层倾角仪

HDIL(high definition induction logging)高分辨率阵列感应

high risk industry高危险行业

high service高技术服务

high-temperature service高温作业

high water-cut layer高含水油层

high-water-cut oil-producing well高含水产油井

high-water-cut producer高含水油井

high water-cut stage(油田)高含水期

high water-cut well高含水井

high wax content oil高含蜡原油

historical well analysis老井分析

hydraulically operated equipment液压驱动设备



hole anomaly井眼不规则

hole blow井喷

hole caliper井径仪

hole cleaning井眼清洗

hole condition井眼条件

hole deflection(deviation)井斜

hole gauge通井规

hole section井段

hole pattern井网

hole spacing井距

hole structure井身结构

hole toe 井底

hole top井口

hollow carrier射孔器枪身

hollow carrier gun有枪身射孔器

hook wrench钩头扳手

hoot-owl shift(tour)大夜班

horizontal deviation水平位移

horizontal drainhole,horizontal well 水平井    

horizontal hole section水平井段

horizontal well test水平井测试


horizontal drilling水平钻井

hot work operational guideline火工作业操作规程

hot work permitting procedure火工许可程序

high pressure high temperature well test高温高压井测试

hookwall packer卡瓦封隔器

hydra-cushion shock tool液压减震工具

hydraulically-powered winch液压绞车

hydrocarbon release油气泄漏  

hydrocarbon resources油气资源

hydrocarbon show油气显示

hydrocarbon trap油气圈闭
