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Zhong Hai Lin   |   2022-11-14   |   views:2834



early field life 油田开发初期

earth bar接地棒

earthing wire地线

eccentric annulus偏心环空

eccentric injection mandrel偏心配水器 

edge water flood边缘注水

edge water incursion边水侵入

edge well边缘井

evacuation,escape and rescue   人员撤离,逃生和救护

engineering flow diagram工艺流程图

effluent pressure井口流体压力


egress pressure出口压力

external-internal upset内外加厚的(管子)

electrical logging电测

electrical detonator电雷管

electrical line unit电缆试井装置

electric line operation电缆作业

electric line set packer电缆坐封封隔器

electric monoconductor单芯电缆

electric wireline unit operation电缆绞车操作

EL(electric log)电法测井 

ES(electric survey)电法勘探


electrode pad电极极板

electromagnetic flowmeter电磁流量计

electronic cartridge电子线路短节

elevator plug提升短节 elevator吊卡

emergency decree  安全技术规程

emergency measures应急措施

emergency escape应急出口

emergency shutdown紧急关井,紧急停工

employment contract雇用合同 

employment dismissal解雇

endless tubing连续油管

enhanced oil recovery强化采油,提高采收率

enhanced recovery scheme强化采油方案

enhanced water injection强化注水

environmental pollution环境污染

environmental conservation环境保护

environmental regulations环保规定

end of date截止日期

equipment component list设备元件明细表     

equipment list设备清单

equipment maintenance设备维修保养

equipment malfunction设备故障

equipment operating instructions设备操作说明   

equipment out设备发运

equipment specification manual设备技术手册

erected cost安装费用

erection of derrick立井架

erection schedule安装进程

error band误差范围

error correction误差校正

estimated reserves控制储量

external upset外加厚

evaluation criterion评价标准

evaluation of bid评标

evaluation reservoir油藏评价

evaluation well评价井

exploration well探井

examination and acception验收

exceptional well特殊井

excessive load超载

excessive pressure超压

executive cost施工费用

exhibit 展示,附加条款

expanded packer膨胀式封隔器

expected reserves预计储量

expendable gun一次性射孔器

expendable plug一次性桥塞

expiration of the contract合同期满

expendable through-tubing perforator一次性过油管射孔器

exploitable reserve可采储量

exploitation plan开采方案

exploitation velocity开采速度

exploitation well开发井

exploitation drilling 勘探钻井

exploratory well探井

exploitation of oil and gas field油气田勘探

exploitation targets勘探目的层

explored reserves探明储量


explosive charge射孔弹,炸药

explosive deterioration炸药失效


extension coupling加长短节

extension mechanical firing head机械点火头

extension well扩边井

extent of formation damage地层损害程度

external thread 公扣

external upset tubing外加厚油管

extra security额外保险

extreme over balance超正压(射孔)

eye diameter孔眼直径



first aid 急救face of the wellbore井壁

facsimile传真 factor of porosity孔隙度

factor of saturation 饱和度

failure-free operation正常运行,安全操作

fault block断块 

fault block hydrocarbon reservoir断块油藏

faulty operation误操作

flowing casing pressure 开井时套压

FBS(full-bore spinner flowmeter)全径涡轮流量计

fracture conductivity裂缝导流能力

fire control equipment消防设备

FDL(fluid density log)流体密度测井

FDT(fluid density tool)流体密度测井仪        

flushed zone冲洗带

FIL(fluid identification log)流体识别测井,含水率测井

flow diagram 流程图

field development plan油田开发方案

feasibility study可行性研究


formation evaluation measurement-while-drilling随钻测试与地层评价

formation evaluation while drilling随钻地层评价

formation fluid sampler地层流体取样器          

formation fluid test地层流体测试

field acquisition现场采集

field adjustment现场调试

field analysis现场解释

field conduct现场实施

field connection现场连接

field environment野外条件

field lighting工地照明

field job design现场作业设计

field maintenance现场维护

field office值班室

field operation现场作业

field process现场施工

field record(notes)现场记录

field staff现场施工人员

field situation油气田位置

field type facility现场设施

field well生产井

field work野外作业

FIL(fracture identification log)裂缝识别测井

filling in well加密井

final work收尾工作

find bottom探井底

fine adjustment,fine turning微调

finish barefooted裸眼完井

finishing drilling完钻

fire escape,fire exit安全出口

fire extinction灭火

fire foam producing machine泡沫灭火器

fire protection防火

firing head点火装置

firing pin点火撞针

first aid急救

first-hand information第一手资料

first party甲方


fishing 打捞                                

fishing basket打捞篮

fishing job(operation)打捞作业              

fishing tool打捞工具

fishing grab打捞爪

fishing rod打捞棒

fishing service打捞作业队

fishing up打捞出

fissure 裂缝

fissured formation裂缝性地层

fissured oil field裂缝性油田

fissured reservoir裂缝性油气藏

fissure fault裂缝断层

fixed pulley定滑轮

flame damper(snuffer)灭火器

flame igniter点火装置


flank water drive边水驱动

flank waterflooding边缘注水

flank well油田边缘井

flare opening喇叭口

flexible connection揉性连接

flood development注水开发

flood effectiveness注水效果

flooding network注采井网

flooding well network注水井网



flow capacity地层系数,产能系数

flow head井口装置,测试井口

flow column油管柱

flowing bean(nipple)油嘴

flowing tubing pressure开井油压

flowing well自喷井

flow rate log流量测井

flow well开井测试,开井放喷

fluid column cushion测试液垫,水垫

fluid column pressure液柱压力

fluid level液面深度

flush collar平口接箍

flushing fluid洗井液,钻井液


field operation handbook,field operating manual现场操作手册

force outage事故停机

foreign side外方


formation caving井壁坍塌

formation contaminant地层污染

formation evaluation地层评价

formation fluid pressure地层流体压力           

formation fluid sampling地层流体取样

formation fracturing 地层压裂

formation of interest目的层

formation sand flow地层出砂

formation solid control防砂

formation stimulation油层增产措施

formation tester地层测试器

FAL(formation - analysis log)地层分析测井

FDC(formation density compensated)补偿地层密度测井仪

formation density log地层密度测井

FDT(formation density tool)地层密度测井仪

formation to be tested测试层段,测试井段 

formation water resistivity地层水电阻率

formation water salinity地层水矿化度  

fountain well自喷井

four-arm caliper四臂井径仪

four-way piece四通

fire plug消防栓

formation pressure gradient地层压力梯度

fracture fluid 压裂液   

fracture job压裂作业


fracture acidizing压裂酸化

fractured hydrocarbon reservoir裂缝油藏

fractured distribution裂缝分布

fractured well裂缝井,压裂井

fracture fluid压裂液

fracture permeability裂缝渗透率

fracture porosity裂缝孔隙度

FIL(fracture identification log)裂缝识别测井  

fracture log裂缝测井

fracturing technology压裂工艺

fracturing tool压裂工具

fracturing truck(unit)压裂车

freeze in卡钻,卡死

full bore(flow,opening,port)全通径

fullbore tool全通径工具