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Zhong Hai Lin   |   2022-11-07   |   views:2430



abandoned oil & gas  报废油气井  

abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力

above ground equipment  地面设备

abscissa    横坐标

absorbent formation 渗透地层 

absorption well 漏失井

armoured cable 铠装电缆

accessory , accessories, accessary附件,辅助的

acceptance criteria 验收标准 

acceptance of risks 承担风险

acceptance of the bid 中标 

accident analysis 事故分析

accident free 无事故

accident potential 事故隐患

accident prevention 事故预防

acid fracturing 酸化压裂

acid job  酸化作业

acid-frac process 酸化压裂工艺

acid stimulation酸化增产 

actual data 实测资料

actual data plot 实测曲线

actuating system 传动系统

assistant driller 副司钻

adapter substitute 转换接头,大小头

addendum 附录

additional well 补充井

adjacent well 邻井

adjustment well 调整井

adjust to zero 调零

adjuster sub  调整短节

adapter 适配器,接头

automatic fine tuning 自动微调

after-sale service 售后服务,后续服务         

after-treatment profile log 油井(增产)措施后生产剖面测井

hole azimuth 井斜方向

AL(acoustic logging)声波测井

acoustic amplitude log,amplitude log声幅测井

adjacent bed 围岩

apparent resistivity视电阻率

ACBL(acoustic cement bond log)声波水泥胶结测井

activation logging活化测井

ASC(after survey calibration)测后刻度

amplitude type cement bond log声幅水泥胶结测井

annular space log环空测井

array sonic tool阵列声波测井仪

acoustic wavetrain logging声波全波列测井

alemite gun 黄油枪 alligator wrench 活动管钳

alternator 交流发电机

A-mast  A形井架

amplifier 放大器 

amplitude 振幅,声波幅度


analog cable signal 模拟电缆信号

anchor packer 卡瓦封隔器

annual survey 年检

annular blowout preventer环形防喷器

annular pressure 环空压力

annular pressure operated test valve环空压力控制测试阀

annular reversing valve环空加压反循环阀

annular space 环形空间

annular water detector环空找水仪

annular water injection反注,环空注入

annulus blow out 环空井喷

annulus completion fluid 环空完井液

annulus (flow)line 环空(出油)管

annulus fluid环空液体

annulus logging环空测试

annulus pack off环空封隔装置

annulus pressure firing system环空压力起爆器

annulus pressure response tool  APR工具,(哈里伯顿)环空加压式测试阀

annulus sample catcher环空取样器


antiknock agent 防爆剂


API pup joint API标准油管短节

apparent wellbore radius有效井筒半径

appraisal well  评价井                   

aqueous saturation 含水饱和度  

APR(annulus pressure respondent)环空压力控制式测试工具

area operations superintendent 地区作业监督

armoured (electric) cable 铠装电缆             

artificial bottom hole 人工井底

artificial fracture  人造裂缝                   

artificial lift 机械采油

assessment of bids 评标

assessment well评价井

assistant driller  副司钻                       

assistant engineer助理工程师

associated gas 伴生气

assurance factor安全系数

atmospheric service常压作业

autocartograph 自动绘图仪


AVL(acoustic velocity log )声速测井

azimuth 井斜方位


bit 钻头,刀片                              

box 母扣,母接头


back flow反循环洗井

backup arm 推靠臂

backup copy 副本

bad earth 接地不良

bail 提环,提捞

back off 倒扣,解卡


bailing 提捞作业

bailing bucket 提捞筒

bar drop投棒

bar drop sub 投杆接头,撞击接头

barefoot completion 裸眼完井

barefoot interval 裸眼井段

barefoot well(bare hole)裸眼井

bar fishing 打捞点火棒

bar hydrostatic firing head 投棒压力起爆器  

basement rock基岩

bastard connection 不合格的丝扣(接头)

bastard thread不合格的丝扣

behind completion date没有按期完工

bit diameter钻头直径

breakdown pressure 临界压力

bailed dry (把井)掏空

beam pumping unit 游梁式抽油机

beam well (深井泵)抽油井

bean up 放喷 bed of interest 目的层


belly band 安全带

bell nipple喇叭口短节

bottom hole fluid sampler井底流体取样器

bottom hole assembly 底部管柱结构

BHC(borehole compensated sonic log )井眼补偿声波测井

background radiation放射性本底植

banana plug香蕉插头

before calibration测前刻度

BHTV(borehole televiewer)井下(声波)电视

borehole fluid sampler井眼流体取样器          


bradenhead flange 井口法兰

bottom hole 井底,井下

big hole perforator大孔眼射孔器

borehole status井眼状况

bottom-hole pressure ,closed井底关井压力  

bottom-hole pressure,flowing井底流动压力

bottom-hole sample 井底取样,井下取样  

bottom hole sampler井底取样器

bid bond投标保证金,投标保证书 

bidder 投标者


bidding documents投标文件,招标文件

bidding procedure 投标程序

bid opening开标


big-frac treatment(多层段)大型压裂

big repair大修

bill of materials材料清单

bit hook打捞工具

blank footage枪接头盲区

blank off 油层封住,封堵

blank tubing空油管,盲枪

blasting cap 起爆雷管

bleeding off pressure 放压

block and tackle arrangement起下用滑车系统  

block diagram方框图,结构图



blowing out井喷

blowing well自喷井

blowout capping 控制井喷

blowout hookup(井口)防喷装置

blowout preventer 防喷器

blank plug 丝堵,堵头

blowout-prevention equipment防喷设备

blowout-prevention procedure防喷措施


blue sky exploratory well预探井


back out(break out)卸开,松扣

bobtail packer裸眼井测试封隔器

bonding cable 接地电缆,地线


bore diameter孔径,井眼直径

bore frame井身结构

borehole correction井眼校正

borehole deviation井斜

borehole effect井眼效应

borehole face井壁

borehole log 测井曲线,录井图

borehole operation井下作业

borehole pressure井筒压力

borehole survey井下测量

borehole wall井壁

boring casing套管


boring tower井架

bottom hole turbine flowmeter井下涡轮流量计

bottom nose (下井仪)尾端,(射孔)枪尾

bottom-up firing枪尾起爆器

box and pin公母接头

box coupling接箍

bridge plug桥塞


brake handle刹把

breakdown 故障,事故

break off pin type circulating sub断销式反循环阀

breaking out pipe卸扣

bridge plugging(打)桥塞封堵

bridge the hole (在井中)打桥塞

bring in a well完井投产

bring out production投产,进行开采

broken down 解堵

brought in well投产井

button switch按钮开关

bushing 套筒 basket 打捞篮,水泥伞 

bottomed 下到井底

borehole televiewer井下电视

buffer减震器 build up压力恢复

bubble 气泡,水泡

bubble head泡泡头

bubble point pressure饱和压力

bucket rod抽油杆

buck up紧扣

build up of fluid液面恢复

build the pressure打压

build up of pressure压力恢复

bull dog wrench管钳

bullet gun射孔枪

bullet hole射孔孔眼

bumper spring 减震器弹簧


by-pass pipe旁通管